Are u in Love?

1) You miss someone but you actually have no any reasons to miss him/her.
2) You wanna meet someone but you just have left him/her less than 15 minutes ago.
3) You wanna hear his/her voice but you actually just talked to him/her less than 15 minutes ago.
4) He/she is so amazing in your eyes but others say his/her score is just about standard score or lower.
5) You are always thinking that his/her words are nice even when he/she is getting angry with people.
6) You are always thinking that he/she acts something cool even he/she looks like a bad clown for others.
7) He/she looks down on the one but you think he's doing the best way.
8) He/she just has standard figure but you think he/she is sexy.
9) You will feel sexy when you're with him/her.
10) You wanna spend more time with him/her and hope the time will never end.
So... are you in love now?
If you answer yes, it's time for you to tell him/her what is your true feeling.
If you answer no, dont worry... many good men/women out there who are waiting for your love. Find one (at least. huh?! ) for you!
(You can read more here…)